Roles & permissions

Frontitude offers a flexible permission mechanism, so you can set the right permission level for each one of the users in your organization.

Available roles

There are a few roles you can assign to collaborators in your workspace:


The Editor role gives a collaborator editing permissions on project structure and managed content. For example, submitting a change from Frontitude's web app or plugin, renaming a project or a screen, etc.

Assign the Editor role to anyone who you'd like to edit content or project structure, and sync content in Frontitude with other integrations (like design tool, for example). Usually it's assigned to writers, designers, and translators.


💡 Viewer seats are unlimited in any plan, and do not require a paid seat.

The Viewer role allows collaborators access to a project in a view-only mode. It means they can view content and designs, comment, and @mention other collaborators.

Available scopes

Frontitude allows you to assign roles within a specific scope: workspace or project. If a user is part of the team, you'd probably want to invite them at the workspace level. If it's an external member or a client, you might want to invite them at the project level.

Workspace level

Workspace-level editors can access all projects in a workspace. They can also access the workspace collaborators, tags, variables, and other information.

💡 Use this scope to invite your team members and internal stakeholders.

Project level

Project-level collaborators can access only the project they were invited to. They have no access to the workspace information of the inviter (if they navigate to workspace settings or library, they will view their own workspace details).

💡 Use this scope to invite your external collaborators like translators, writers, or clients.

How to invite Editors and Viewers

Workspace level

To invite an editor to a workspace, do the following:

  1. Go to your Account Settings.
  2. In the Invite new collaborators section, enter the email addresses you want to invite, and then click Send invitation.
  3. After the invitations were sent, you can click Copy invitation link in the Pending invitations section, to send the invitation link in any way you want.

💡 Workspace editors will be included in your billing only after they use the invitation.

Project level

To invite collaborators to a project, do the following:

  1. Open the relevant project.
  2. At the top bar, click Share.
  3. In the opened dialogue box:

a. If you want to add a Viewer:

  • In the dropdown menu at the left-bottom corner, select Anyone with the link can view and comment using the dropdown menu.
  • Click Copy link to copy the shareable link to your clipboard.
  • Send the link to the viewer in any way you want.

b. If you want to add an Editor:

  • Click Invite project collaborators at the right-bottom corner of the dialogue box.
  • In the Invite project collaborators section, enter the email addresses you want to invite, and then click Send invitation.

💡 Project editors will be included in your billing only after they use the invitation.

In this guide